Friday, February 05, 2016

Probe of Somali Jet Blast Points to Suicide Bomber

NAIROBI, Kenya—A passenger who boarded a commercial plane in a wheelchair may have been a suicide bomber responsible for an explosion that tore a hole in the side of the jet as it took off from Somalia’s capital


Anonymous said...

And what did they think? A giant bird had hit the plane?

Nicoenarg said...

No I think they thought a Muslim just burst into flames out of nowhere because he misunderstood Islam.

Pastorius said...



The Last English Prince said...

Wait for it - the blind suicide bomber:

"I saw nothing!" just like Colonel Clink.

Anonymous said...

Have to take a long flight, and I'm not precisely too excited ...

Anonymous said...

nicoenarg, he actually was engulfed in flames and sucked out of the airplane! Could not meet a better end to go an enjoy his virgins.